Good Morning manoj,
I just wanted to send a quick reminder about the inaugural Precision Farming Dealer Rising Star Focus Group that has been added to the agenda for the upcoming 2024 Precision Farming Dealer Summit that will be held in Indianapolis, Ind., on January 8-9.
You can see my previous email below for more details, but here's the gist: we are looking for farm equipment dealership precision specialists, techs and/or salespeople that are relatively new to the business (3 or less years) and would be viewed as a 'rising star' to join us on Monday, January 8 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. for an open discussion among their peers and talk about their journey so far, the good and bad experiences they've encountered on the job, what the future looks like from their perspective, and much more.
If you, or someone else at your dealership, meet this criteria and would like to attend the Precision Farming Dealer Summit and be part of the Rising Star Focus Group, shoot me an email and I can help coordinate the registration. We only have a couple focus group spots left and need to finalize the session details this Friday (12/1). So please let me know soon if you have someone that would like to attend.
Don't have anyone that would be a fit for the Rising Star Focus Group but still want to attend the Summit? Today is also the last day to take advantage of the Cyber Monday discount. Simply enter promo code CYBER25 on your registration form and you will instantly save 25% off your entire order.
Don't hesitate to reach out if you have any questions!
From: Luke Weigel, Precision Farming Dealer
Sent: Tuesday, November 14, 2023 10:15 AM
Subject: Precision Farming's Rising Stars
Good Morning manoj,
As we continue to prepare for the 9th Annual Precision Farming Dealer Summit that will be held in Indianapolis, Ind., on January 8-9, I wanted to let you know about a new opportunity that we'll be making available to a limited number of attendees.
For the first time ever, we'll be hosting a pre-summit focus group for the industry's brightest up and comers. We are looking for 15 precision specialists, techs and/or salespeople that are relatively new to the business (3 or less years) and would be viewed as a 'rising star' to join us on Monday, January 8 from 10:00 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. for an open discussion amongst their peers and talk about their journey so far, the good and bad experiences they've encountered on the job, what the future looks like from their perspective, and much more.
If you, or someone else at your dealership, fit the description and would like to participate in the Precision Farming Dealer Rising Star Focus Group, send me an email and we can help coordinate your registration. Focus group participants will receive:
- Exclusive Precision Farming Dealer Rising Star Focus Group attendee rate
- Discounted rate for any additional attendees that would also like to attend the 2024 Precision Farming Dealer Summit
- Free lunch after the focus group concludes
- Free registration to the co-located National No-Tillage Conference that immediately follows the Precision Farming Dealer Summit
To be held at the Indianapolis Marriott Downtown Hotel in Indianapolis, Ind., on January 8-9, the 2024 Precision Farming Dealer Summit is the only event entirely dedicated to helping you discover actionable, best-practice ideas to run a more profitable precision farming business. The jam-packed agenda provides unlimited learning and networking opportunities, including focused general sessions, dealer-to-dealer panels, classroom sessions featuring an array of experts on the emerging precision products and technologies, and everyone's favorite, two sets of breakout roundtable discussions.
If you haven't checked out the program yet, click here to download a copy and see everything else that is planned.
If you, or someone else at your dealership, is interested in joining us for the Precision Farming Dealer Rising Star Focus Group, let me know soon and I can share more details. To plan accordingly, we need to know by December 1 and can only limit to 15 participants.
Luke Weigel
Brand Manager
Precision Farming Dealer
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