Hi manoj,
Global demands for food, fuel and fiber are expected to dramatically increase over the next 25 years. At the same time, continuing labor shortages have growers seeking out technology to reduce labor while more precisely applying applied crop inputs via variable-rate technology.
This exclusive report – Autonomous Farm Equipment: U.S. Farm Adoption & Outlook – offers a summary of autonomy’s technological progression and indicates that the intersection of remote sensing, internet connectivity and rapid technology advances have ushered in a new tipping point for fully-automated farm operations.
Featuring original analysis from farm machinery experts coupled with primary research, this informative research report helps you and your business understand the impact that autonomous and robotic farm machinery will have on North American equipment dealers, manufacturers and suppliers.
Inside this report, you’ll learn…
- The logic behind projections for automated farm equipment to command 5%-15% penetration by 2027, and adoption rates of 50% in high-value crop areas.
- How the initial adoption of autonomous and robotic technology for repetitive tasks is directly meeting labor challenges.
- Examples of currently available, fully-automated farm equipment and their uses.
- Why the planting and harvesting operations are further on the adoption curve.
- How autonomous technology will impact on-farm service and on-farm business models, along with changes in the size of future farm equipment and how it is deployed.
- And much more!
Get your copy of this report today and read it cover-to-cover. There’s no other report of its kind anywhere, because no one else has the depth of data and expertise to cover trends in dealership growth opportunities like Ag Equipment Intelligence.
Best Regards,
Kim Schmidt
Executive Editor
Ag Equipment Intelligence
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